Furby David Burren Photography


Payments can be made by cheque or money order, by credit card, or by direct deposit. The "Add to Basket" options in various parts of our website will build up a shopping basket with PayPal, which you can use to pay with credit cards or other PayPal funds.


Cheques and money orders (in Australian dollars) should be posted to:

David Burren Photography
PO Box 3800
Middle Camberwell
Vic 3124

This is also the address to ship cameras to for IR conversions.

Credit cards

Online payment options using a "shopping basket" system are gradually being added to the relevant sections of the website, but in the meantime if you know the price for a particular item here's some buttons which will simplify making a payment via PayPal:

If you've put some items in your shopping basket and want to get back to it, use this link:

Direct deposit

Within the Australian banking system you can either make a deposit over the counter at any bank, or make a payment via your Internet banking facility. Once you have made the payment, please send us an email to let us know. The payment is usually processed the next working day (at the whim of the banks, of course).

BSB: 633-000 (Bendigo Bank)
Account name: David Burren Photography
Account number: 123042046
Reference: Please use your name so we can track which payment was which.

Unless otherwise noted, all text and images on this website are Copyright David Burren Photography 2000-2010 and may not be used for any purpose without prior consent.

Screen calibration bar