Furby David Burren Photography

Featured Image

The Featured Image is simply an image selected from David's recent work for display on this website's front page.

Scroll down to see older images...

21st December 2005

Georgie Burren

R.I.P. Georgie

Georgie lost her fight with cancer yesterday (see note).

December 2005
Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon fly-by

September 2005
Star Trails over Castle Rock

Star Trails over Castle Rock

October 2004
Bool Lagoon Sunset

Bool Lagoon Sunset

A magical sunset at Bool Lagoon Game Reserve in South Australia.

August 2004


A Black-winged Stilt (photographed on an overcast winter's day) mid-feed. I was almost sitting in the water for this shot...

July 5, 2004
Red on Blue

Red on Blue

The colours in this scene leapt out at me. The friend I was photographing alongside was concentrating on a much larger scene, and this was just a detail off to one side. Each photographer sees different parts of the whole...

May 25, 2004
Snowgum bark

Snowgum bark pattern

This tiny detail was found on a tree on the Bogong High Plains.

May 14, 2004
Elephant Seal

Southern Elephant Seal

This animal was photographed recently on a beach just after dawn, still dozing after a quiet night...

March 21, 2004

Black-browed Albatross
Southern Ocean


This albatross was photographed waaay south of Victoria, near the edge of the continental shelf.

February 27, 2004

Australasian Gannets
Port Phillip Bay, VIC


This adult has just finished feeding the chick, and may have been holding it's head up as a signal that there was no more food for now. The angled line in the background is a bit unforunate: it's actually the slope of a distant hill.

Other items available in archive pages:
0, 1, 2, 3, 4

Unless otherwise noted, all text and images on this website are Copyright David Burren Photography 2000-2010 and may not be used for any purpose without prior consent.

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